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Ways that PK-12 teachers can use Web 2.0 tools with mobile devices for teaching and learning


How can PK-12 teachers use Web 2.0 tools with mobile devices for teaching and learning?

    In this modern age of technology, students and teachers alike, have learned to navigate through the many available Web 2.0 tools and utilize them in the classroom. These tools became essential to learning during the pandemic. I was a new permanent substitute teacher with no previous exposure to Google Classroom. It was a crazy time. The students were very helpful in explaining things to basically help me, help them, in terms of helping me understand what they were able to see, what they were able to do, and together, we made it work. As I reflect on this time, I am very thankful for the experience. Fast-forward to today where I am a long-term substitute teacher utilizing Web 2.0 tools in our face-to-face learning environment each day and I can still see how essential these tools are to myself as a teacher, and students alike.

    As I had mentioned, I utilize Google Classroom every day. If I forget to share information with students during class, I can quickly add a message in the streaming portion of Google Classroom. Students are immediately notified with an alert being sent to their mobile devices, i.e., their cell phones.  It is so helpful and allows me to forgive myself more quickly for not having remembered to mention it during class in the first place, as well as maintain classroom efficiency. I am able to manage missing and late work by posting all assignments on Google Classroom. Students can see the "Classwork" Section of Google Classroom and know exactly what they missed.  Even though students still ask me what work they missed, which is perfectly fine, all I have to do is remind them that all in-class and homework assignments are posted in Google Classroom.  It is so helpful!

    With students and teachers having this 'anytime access' to information, it is one advantage I found to be true, both in real life and in research! According to the article, "Integrating Web 2.0 Tools into the Classroom: Changing the Culture of Learning," it stated that students have become completely immersed in Web 2.0 tools, making these tools indispensable.

    And they really are...indispensable, that is. From incorporating YouTube videos to enhance or add a learning layer, as I like to call them, to my lesson plans to the Smore Newsletters I create to help keep my students informed, these online tools not only help keep students actively engaged in their learning, it promotes independent learning and helps maintain efficiency.



Light, Daniel, and Deborah Keisch Polin. “Integrating Web 2.0 Tools into the Classroom: Changing the Culture of Learning.” Center for Children and Technology, Education Development Center, Inc, June 2010.


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